Waist extenders

  • Waistband extender with hook or button
  • Fabric or denim
  • Non-sew attachment – simply hook it or button it on
Sales unit
1 piece
80 mm x 35 mm

Product information

Your favourite skirt pinches and squeezes at the waist, or you need a few more decisive centimetres to do up your jeans? A new outfit is not always necessary, because the waistband extender from Prym makes each section around the hips or the waist immediately comfortable again. A cost-effective alternative and child's play to attach – depending on the model, the extender is hooked or buttoned on and the garment waistband gains up to 5 centimetres. And come the moment when the pair of trousers, or skirt, etc. fits once more, the practical accessory can be easily removed. The waistband extender is available in fabric or denim quality.

Product details

Article name
Waist extenders
SAP-Material No.
Variant overview
Item name Dimensions Colour Sales Unit Sales Unit Amount MOQ Article ID Availabilty
product image Waistband extender button, black, 80 x 35mm 80 mm x 35 mm black Card 1 piece 5 CRD 417610
product image Waistband extender button, light grey, 80 x 35mm 80 mm x 35 mm light grey Card 1 piece 5 CRD 417611
product image Waistband extender button, denim blue, 80 x 35mm 80 mm x 35 mm denim blue Card 1 piece 5 CRD 417612
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